The Curse of Monkey Island is the third installment in the very popular series of adventure games called Monkey Island. A young pirate named Guybrush Threepwood, known for his blunt sword and sharp tongue, yet again assumes the role of a protagonist. In The Curse of Monkey Island, Guybrush had to save his true love, Elaine Marley, from being turned into a zombie. Guybrush, hoping to marry the gal, unknowingly put a cursed ring on her finger which turned her into a golden statue.
Now, he has to find a way to restore her to her human form and face the ghost of a demonic pirate LeChuck known from the previous Monkey Island games. Film-quality animation. High quality of music and sound. Two difficulty modes: normal and Mega-Monkey (more puzzles to solve).
The curse of monkey island has been developed and published under the banner of. It was released on October 31st, 1997 where my elder play it firstly in this Pentium 3 computers in his childhood this is the main reason I am giving in on my web. You can also which’s also great installment at all some evils will attack on our motherland in that case we have to defend them. Screenshots For The Curse of Monkey Island 1997System Requirements For The Curse of Monkey Island. Graphics card: 256 MB. RAM: 1 GB.
Processor: 3.0 GHz. Windows: XP,7,8,8.1 and 10How To Install The Curse of Monkey Island Game TutorialJust watch the complete video tutorial by clicking this below installation button you will get the curse of monkey island for PC.